Education unlocks human potential, enabling children to become healthy, productive adults. It is the key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals – from ending poverty to promoting peace. That’s why it’s more important than ever to ensure that all children have... read more
By Commission Directors Liesbet Steer and Justin van Fleet. This blog was originally published on the GPE Education for All blog. Nelson Mandela once said: “There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” Society... read more
The UK House of Commons’ International Development Committee has just published its report ‘DFID’s work on education: Leaving no one behind?’ The report assesses the Department for International Development’s (DFID) work in global education and its... read more
Approximately one ago we launched the breakthrough Learning Generation report. Now we are proud to share an update highlighting our progress. The 2017 Progress Report brings the Commission’s Four Transformations – improve performance, unlock innovation, ensure... read more
Serving as a Commissioner on the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity is a privilege. In the short time since the Commission launched in 2015, we have created the Learning Generation vision – an achievable plan to ensure that all children... read more
In September 2017, Commissioner Amel Karboul presented at the TED@BCG event in Milan, and we’re thrilled that her talk is now featured on In her talk, Dr. Karboul describes a dire education crisis: Today, more than a quarter of a billion children are out of... read more
Last year, the Education Commission made an incredible discovery. While countries across the globe, as a whole, were headed down a concerning path – one where in 2030 more than half of young people worldwide will not have the skills needed for a job – others were... read more
October, 23 2017 What is the delivery approach? Where does the term come from? The delivery approach is a methodology that supports problem-solving and systematic implementation of projects. The focus is on delivery and getting things done rather than just planning... read more
Commissioners Convene in New York City One year after the Learning Generation report launch, Commission leadership met in New York to review how recommendations have become action and discuss how to best accelerate progress across the four transformations called for... read more
Two weeks ago, I attended the United Kingdom Forum for International Education and Training (UKFIET) annual conference in Oxford. This gathering brought together a wealth of research on teachers, as well as new insights on how to support, develop and motivate the... read more