Delivery Approach

Close encounters with delivering education: Is it adding up?

Close encounters with delivering education: Is it adding up?

As a technical adviser, researcher, innovator, and activist, I have lived, practiced, and closely observed the adoption of delivery approaches at scale. In Pakistan, the past two decades have been packed with emergencies and political shifts that have pushed politicians and bureaucrats to work together to address education challenges.

Five key insights from DeliverEd’s global mapping of delivery approaches

Five key insights from DeliverEd’s global mapping of delivery approaches

Since 2010, there has been an accelerating trend in the adoption of delivery approaches which seek to improve policy implementation and service delivery. However, little empirical evidence – especially from low- and middle-income countries – exists on the effectiveness of delivery approaches and what design choices and …

DeliverEd: Gathering evidence to deliver real results

DeliverEd: Gathering evidence to deliver real results

A decade left for delivery As we entered 2020, the UN Secretary-General called on the global community to commit to a decade of delivery. Indeed, we are just 10 years away from the 2030 deadline to meet the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 4 of ensuring...