
The Third Wave of education

The Third Wave of education

Fred Singer, CEO of Echo360 – a student engagement platform used by over 3 million students across the world – tells us about education transformations already underway and others to expect in the future. From the ‘Fitbit’ awareness paradigm to predictive analytics, read about the important trends to watch in the ‘Third Wave’ of education.

Assessing achievements in education in the Gambia

Assessing achievements in education in the Gambia

As part of their consultation report, Education for All Campaign Network-The Gambia (EFANet) examines in this blog post the education situation in the Gambia and necessary steps to ensure required financing and equitable learning.

Engaging the education workforce in reform efforts

Engaging the education workforce in reform efforts

Monazza Aslam, an Associate Fellow at IDEAS Pakistan, explains why the “Sustainable Development Goals cannot be achieved without reforming the education workforce and without engaging closely with teachers in the design and implementation of reforms.”

Education cannot wait, by Sultan A. Al Saud

Education cannot wait, by Sultan A. Al Saud

Writing for Al Arabiya English, Sultan A. Al Saud articulates the need for a “sustained drive from donors” to capitalize the Education Cannot Wait fund thereby ensuring global education promises are met.

The right to dream

The right to dream

Youth Panelist and former child soldier Mohamed Sidibay reminds us how children are robbed of an education – the right to dream – in emergency situations.