In the Media

The Path to Universal Education (Project Syndicate)

The Path to Universal Education (Project Syndicate)

From the article: DAR ES SALAAM – It may be true that every journey begins with a single step. But when it comes to education, especially in low- and middle-income countries, we have a long way to go. Fortunately, many efforts are now underway to help these countries...
The Power of Education (ReliefWeb)

The Power of Education (ReliefWeb)

Speech given by Save the Children International CEO Helle Thorning-Schmidt at the Education World Forum on 23 January 2017 Education is the most empowering force in the world. It creates knowledge, builds confidence, and breaks down barriers to opportunity. For...
Companies are complaining about the skills gap. Here’s how we get closer to solving it. (Huffington Post)

Companies are complaining about the skills gap. Here’s how we get closer to solving it. (Huffington Post)

For most of us, the traditional notion of the “American Dream” – and what it symbolizes in countries around the world – begins with hard work and education and leads to opportunity and a flourishing future. However, in our ever-evolving global economy, the opportunities my generation had are so much more elusive for today’s college-age students and young professionals, many of whom are saddled with debt and ill-equipped to launch careers to set themselves up for a successful future.