From the article: La pasión y la política son sinónimos para el escocés Gordon Brown, ex primer ministro laborista británico, ex chancellor de las finanzas y quien salvó a Gran Bretaña en la crisis financiera pero lo pagó con su cargo. Hoy la educación es su nueva...
From the article: LONDON – Almost a decade ago, facing a near-collapse of the financial system and the risk of a depression, the world needed a new form of leadership to navigate and restore confidence in the global economy. That’s why, in 2009, at his first global...
From the article: Demonstrasjonene i byen førte imidlertid til at den norske delegasjonen måtte vente på arenaen inntil tysk politi kunne skaffe en sikker rute tilbake til hotellet. Solberg la vekt på ungdom og utdanning da hun holdt sin appell på Global Citizen...
La cantante colombiana Shakira y el primer ministro británico Gordon Brown trabajan en una iniciativa global que busca el apoyo de los países industrializados y emergentes para lograr oportunidades de educación para niños en el mundo, especialmente por aquellos que...
From the article: If it is possible for a raised hand or a nod of the head to alter the course of history – and it is – then this weekend could be momentous. Two days to make good on a promise. Forty eight hours that can change the lives of 825 MILLION...
(Above: Commissioner Ju-Ho Lee speaks with Global Partnership for Education CEO Alice Albright during the opening panel of the High-level SDG Action Event on Education at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on June 28, 2017) From the article: UNITED NATIONS,...
From the article: LONDON – From Fawaz’s home in a makeshift refugee camp just across the border from Syria, where he lives with his now-displaced family, one danger has been traded for another. “There are no schools. There is no education. My children have no toys....
From the article: Campaigners who believe funding for schooling in the world’s poorest countries has hit crisis levels say next month’s G20 meeting will be a “make or break” moment for education. The share of aid funding spent on education has fallen for the past six...
From the article on El País: Enfrentamos retos formidables. La población mundial aumentará en más de 2 mil millones de personas hacia 2050 y debemos ser capaces de garantizar mejores condiciones de vida para más personas, particularmente en los países en vías de...
From the article: In transitioning to lower-middle-income status, countries can find themselves in a position similar to that of many middle-class American families struggling to finance their children’s college: They’re too poor to pay for education and too rich to...