Save Our Future is a global movement of diverse voices uniting to amplify the voices of children and young people to deliver a simple, but powerful message amidst the COVID-19 crisis: #SaveOurFuture.
The campaign seeks to ensure that: all children and youth continue to learn during lockdowns through inclusive distance learning; every child and youth is supported to return to school when it’s safe to do so; and governments and donors invest in education now so we can build better, more inclusive, and resilient education systems for the future.
Save Our Future was spearheaded by the Education Commission and is a collective global effort led by a core hub of the world’s major education players including the Association for the Development of Education in Africa, the Asian Development Bank, BRAC, Education Above All, Education Cannot Wait, the Education Outcomes Fund, the Global Partnership for Education, Save the Children, UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the World Food Programme with support from more than 600 partners, civil society organizations, global ambassadors, and youth activists calling the world’s attention to the education crisis.
Education faces a triple threat:
90% of children in the world have had their education interrupted due to COVID-19. This means that vulnerable children are missing out not only on education but also on vital services such as nutrition and health.
Budgets for education are at risk of being slashed due to the financial impacts of COVID-19 and this could lead to a huge funding gap of almost $200 billion per year for low- and middle-income countries.
These COVID-19 impacts are hitting an education system that was already in crisis: even before the pandemic more than half of 10-year-olds in low- and middle-income countries were not learning to read a simple text.
Education is a victim of the COVID pandemic – but it could also play a key role in driving the recovery.
The Save Our Future: Averting an Education Catastrophe for the World’s Children White Paper is an evidence-based roadmap with seven action areas for governments to deliver changes in the coming 6-24 months. With contributions from more than 200 researchers from around the world and endorsements from more than 80 civil society organizations, this paper has been downloaded over 15,000 times in more than 170 countries.

More than 200 global researchers contributed to the seven background papers that informed the analysis and evidence in the Save Our Future White Paper.
These #SaveOurFuture campaign toolkits outline key messages and include social media assets on a range of key issues linked to education including nutrition, health, finance, girls, climate, social justice, learning through play, and much more. Please reuse and share the messages widely.
Save Our Future Escape Room
Save Our Future Escape Room: A 360-degree immersive experience showcasing global youth innovators who are tackling some of the world’s biggest challenges was created by Eidos Global, an education organization led by two of our Youth Caucus members.
As we start to rebuild the world, it is critical that education is at the heart of international solidarity efforts, from debt management and stimulus packages to global humanitarian appeals and official development assistance. Recovery packages without education don’t hold ground.
Governments and the international community must act together NOW to protect and promote investment in education. We must seize this opportunity to reimagine and reboot education in bold ways, developing a new vision for children in the decade ahead. We cannot wait.
We must #SaveOurFuture today.
Join the movement.
Join our award-winning campaign
Save Our Future won the top prize for best Cause Branding Campaign from the PRNews CSR and Diversity Awards for raising awareness about the education emergency and inspiring action by the global community. Read our impact report here.
- Reached more than 170 countries across six continents
- Generated 25.6 billion impressions online
- Created a movement of over 30,000 advocates for education to help reframe the global learning crisis
- Built an alliance of over 600 CSOs and activists around the world