Our work is made possible through the generosity of a growing number of partners and donors, including private foundations, governments, international institutions, corporations, individuals, and non-governmental organizations including:
- Atlassian Foundation
- Echidna Giving
Education Cannot Wait - Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the Government of the United Kingdom
- Global Business Coalition for Education
- Government of the Netherlands
- Government of Norway
- Inter-American Development Bank
- LEGO Foundation
- Mastercard Foundation
- Rockefeller Foundation
Research-into-Action Partners
We are stronger and more effective when we work together. The Education Commission and our hub in Asia are grateful for the collaboration, commitment, and support of our research, funding, implementing, and strategic thought partners:
- African Development Bank (AfDB)
- Arizona State University
- Asian Development Bank
- Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
- Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
- Brookings Institution
- Center for Global Development
- Centre for Lebanese Studies
- Centre for Policy Research
- Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa
- DataVision International
- Dubai Cares
- Economic Policy Group
- EdTech Hub
- Education Cannot Wait
- Education Development Trust
- Education International
- Education Outcomes Fund
- Education Partnerships Group
- Fab Inc.
- FHI 360 Education Policy Data Center
- Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office of the Government of the United Kingdom
- Forum for African Women Educationalists
- Ghana Education Service
- Generation Unlimited
- Global Business Coalition for Education
- Global Partnership for Education
- Goldman Sachs
- IDInsight
- Inclusive Development Partners
- Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives
- Inter-American Development Bank
- International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
- International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030
- Korean Development Institute
- Malawi Institute of Management
- Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education in Sierra Leone
- Ministry of Education, Republic of Ghana
- NITI Aayog
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto
- Open University
- Overseas Development Institute
- Pardee Center – University of Denver
- Promoting Equality in African Schools (PEAS)
- Plan Ceibal
- PwC
- Research for Equitable Access and Learning Centre, University of Cambridge
- Results for Development
- Right to Education
- School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University
- School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University
- SEEK Development
- Sierra Leone Teaching Service Commission
- Social Finance
- Teach For All
- World Bank Bureaucracy Lab
- Reed Smith Smith
- Theirworld
- UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning
- UNESCO Institute for Statistics
- University of the Witwatersrand
- Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training
- World Bank Group
- World Economic Forum
Global Engagement
Through the Save Our Future initiative, we work with an ever-growing number of global, regional, and national partners. Please check out SaveOurFuture for a full list of campaign partners.