the Education Commission

A Double Betrayal for Refugee Children (Project Syndicate)

From the article:

Last year, the Education Cannot Wait fund was created to close the education-financing gap for refugee children and ensure that the necessary resources are available when disaster strikes. It was a heartening development, but the harsh reality is that donor pledges have not kept pace with need.

LONDON – From Syria to Myanmar, children caught in the crossfire of conflict are victims of a double betrayal. Forced out of their homes in the biggest refugee crisis since World War II, they have now become the innocent victims of a broken promise that they would, even as refugees, be able to attend school. And, even as their circumstances worsen and their numbers increase, their plight is going all but unreported.

Read the entire article by Commission Chair Gordon Brown on Project Syndicate ›

Gordon Brown, former Prime Minister and Chancellor of the Exchequer of the United Kingdom, is United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and Chair of the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity. He chairs the Advisory Board of the Catalyst Foundation.